Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Joke of the Day

What type of monster really loves dance music?

The BOOGIE man!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Joke of the Day

Why did the MONSTER eat the lightbulb?

Because he wanted a LIGHT SNACK!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What they are saying about Mr. G's KIDshow!

“Usually, I don't hire entertainment for Birthday parties but I am so glad that I did this year.   Mr. G was a huge hit!  

He did a fantastic performance that had everyone laughing and involved.  As the kids arrived, he led them in a great game of Simon Says and then rolled right into the show.

He included the kids & the adults.  Most importantly, he made the Birthday Girl a very active participant.  She really enjoyed herself.
For me, hosting a party that has adults as well as kids of all ages is difficult.  After the show, Sophie opened her presents while Mr. G made the kids balloon figures.  Finding activities that keep everyone engaged is almost impossible.  Mr. G was the answer.  He did a wonderful job bridging the age gap.”
                   -Rebecca (Sophie’s aunt)

"I have to say, we didn't know what to expect, knew you'd be good, but your show was fantastic! We got so many compliments afterward, and we really appreciate you making Richy's 5th B'day very memorable! The magic, the puppets, and Buster, all awesome! Also thanks for doing so well with the kids, you can tell you're a seasoned pro!

Beth and I will definitely refer friends and family, and be in touch for future birthdays, and other events.

Thanks again so much!


    Rich, Beth, Richy, & Lily Casto

Thank you so much for being a big part of what made our FunFest such a success this year. We loved having you here!  We're definitely looking at having you back next year!"
 -Josh Todd (Minister of Education and Youth, Marlboro Christian Church)

"Mr. G Kidshow is the greatest. I want him when I turn 65. What a great party!"
Francie (Sophie's Aunt)

"Thanks for the great show on Sunday night, Hannah has not stopped talking about it! Her best comment was "I was laughing so hard, I almost wet my pants" :)
Kate Schade (Tree of Life Preschool)

"BRAVO! I can't tell you how much we appreciate you coming out. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! AWESOME JOB!"
-Stephanie Sedoti (Community Organizer)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Scaredy Squirrel is BACK! - and he's as scared as ever...

Imagine my thrill when walking past a cool little bookstore on Broadway near Chicago's Lincoln Park, when I look in the window and see "Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party." Daughter #1 and I proceeded into said bookstore to check it out. You may remember my love for Melanie Watts' Scaredy books. And this being a story about Scaredy attempting to throw himself a birthday party, the subject is near and dear to me. We sat on the provided red and blue kids chairs in the kids section and read a great kids book.

Scaredy attempts a birthday party where nothing can go wrong because no fun can be had. You see, he is scared of EVERYTHING. Eventually, the party is a huge success because all of Scaredy's plans fail and all his dog friends have a great time.

Also, the book is full of Scaredy's great check lists, plans and maps. IMPORTANT for parents interested in helping kids with reading - the push currently is for complex text structure applied to non-fiction. You will learn more about this from your kid's school as states adopt the Common Core State Standards. Anywho, when reading non-fiction kids will encounter "text features" and "domain specific vocabulary." Even though Scaredy Squirrel books are works of fiction, Watts incorporates a lot of great, interesting text features with the list, maps, and plans. Good stuff for beginning readers.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Word About FEAR

Three-year-old Madie WANTED to have a good time at her birthday party, and I think she did. When she and her mom greeted me at the front door she was very happy and excited wearing a beautiful, bright party dress and a Dora the Explorer party hat. She said please and thank you and smiled a mile a minute.

Then the show started and Madie wasn't sure what to do. For the first few minutes she walked that fine line between laughter and tears - she even stepped up with the help of an older friend for the show opener - Magic Dust Bunnies. But then the tears finally won out a few minutes later - the birthday girl retreated to the safety of the big, comfy couch and a big person hug.

It should be said that none of the other kids were crying and the show went very well - everybody had fun, dad helped with the egg bag, another kid made a birthday cake, and, of course, Bubble the Pet Monkey Puppet killed.

This isn't the first time I have seen tears and fear from the birthday kid - and it is never about me or any other performer. It is about being the center of attention. Sometimes we don't realize that this great event of loved ones coming together to celebrate the life of a little person can be very stressful on the little person. It is not an every-day, common occurrence to have gifts and attention showered on us. Even as adults, accepting birthday wishes can at times be a little embarrassing and stressful.

Prepare for the FEAR and ATTENTION:

1. Prepare kids for what to expect and what is expected from them during the party. Remind them every day for a week ahead.
2. Take kids to see as many live performers as possible. Learning to be a good audience member is an important social skill
3. If hiring a performer - let him/her know about your child's personality. Will the birthday kid be comfortable with the attention? Will the birthday kid be willing to help-out during the show?
4. Schedule a performer at the beginning of the party - and let guests know so they can be on time. The longer into a party the more anxiety can build.
5. Hire Mr. G because he knows how to work with all kids.

Madie is only three and will have many, many more birthdays - they all deserve to be special with nothing to fear.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Rough-Housing Birthday Party

I recently read about a study which found that families with two daughters make for the happiest and most well-balanced households. Of course, I had to agree being the proud papa of two little girls, but I also started thinking about what we might miss around our house with no little boys in the mix. I think I got a taste last weekend.

Saturday was Joshua's big day with a Mr. G KIDshow and about 15 of his second-grade buddies. Controlling excited boys like this for a show is a little like herding distracted cats, but they soon got into the show and had a great time with Bubble the Monkey and really encouraged Joshua as he came up to help out. At one point in the show we do a trick that magically produces a big bowl full of Blow-Pops - and this is where it got good. Unlike a mixed-group of boys and girls who show excitement but remain in their seats - it only takes one boy to rush the stage trying to get to candy for chaos to ensue.

This was the first of three times the boys became a rolling boil on the floor in front of me. The second melee came when an errant balloon flew into the audience sort-of accidently/on purpose. The final time was after the show when balloon sculptures became less-than-lethal weapons.

Through it all, the kids laughed and shared and celebrated Joshua's birthday with good, high-energy and respectful fun. The boys always came back to the show after sharing a few headlocks and noogies.

My next show is a Mother-Daughter banquet. I can't wait to see the difference.

I love my girls, but having a house full of rough-housing boys once in a while might be a lot of fun.

Oh, and I still have some show dates available for June - so give me a call, send me an email or contact me on Facebook.